藝術創作者工會:【2013 年度匯演:ActionIII 意識跳格】


開幕&記者會: 7月6日下午 開幕 3:00- 5:00
15:00~15:30 開幕
導覽者: 楊雅翔
16:00~16:30 記者會對話:工會理念暨工會團隊介紹
16:30~17:00 自由採訪及觀賞

7月7日 下午3點
第一場表演和座談 :
表演者 : 劉主映 (英國南安普敦大學電影博士候選人)
與談 : 劉主映 (英國南安普敦大學電影博士候選人)、黃貞穎 (詞曲創作家)
主題 : 漫談流行音樂的多元性

 《臺北市藝術創作者職業工會》在7月6日到7月28日,將以「2013年度匯演:Action III意識跳格」為題,舉辦工會第三屆年度匯演,並首次擴大展期為七月與十二月的兩次匯演。

<Art Creator Trade Union, Taipei, Art news Taiwan>will holds their 3rd annual exhibition " 2013 Action III Hopping Consciousness"from July 6th till July 28, and for the first time expands the exhibition to twice, first time will be in July and next one will be in December respectively.
The theme "Hopping Consciousness"conveysthe expectation of the Union that is to become an intersection platform for multi-arts. Through playing this role, the Unioncreatesmore opportunities for all the artists to cross their own realm of art and exchange creative conscious and artworks with other fields. On the other hand, consider that "Art should not only be art", the Union hopes to open a dialogue for art and society, demanding itself to be a conversation medium to "bring art to crowd" to shorten the distance between society and arts.,Mmoreover, it tries to break free away the artists from stereotypical perception of artists identityperception, which is limited by from price consciousness.
<Art Creator Trade Union, Taipei, Taiwan>founded in 2011, which is the first Union aimed to gather all different fieldstypes of artists in Taiwan. Members of Union are from bothinclude visual and performing artss, including : pPainting, pictures, objects, installations, public settings, performances, sound, video, dance, theater, print, sculpture and performance art and so on. The main goal of the Union istries to build a better creative environment, and to break up the gap of different types of arts, to creatinge a new start of culture- arts in Taiwan.

