活動/Events : 寶兔兔日&開放工作室----台北國際藝術村

座談會: 席時斌, 蔡玨伶
工作坊: 何政宏, 林怡, 林文藻, 張雅萍, 許惠晴, 郭昭吟, 蔡玨伶, 李美璁

台北國際藝術村二樓之遊藝廳  2011/2/19,20 13:00~17:30


There are many so called “movement” in our life, for artists, “movement” this action is part of the creation, not to mention had a profound effect his or her works. Today, artists often attend the artist in residency program to create his or her works. During the residency program, artists had many feelings and experiences that they can bring into their works, and it becomes an interactive between artists and the region.
The activity divided into the two parts which included seminar and workshop, is going to use “movement” as a topic. From this activity, we are going to explore how the artists create works during the artist in residency program. In here, to think what the relationship is between creation and region. Moreover, opening to the public, to let people more understand the meaning of artist in residency program.
Seminar: Hsi, Shih-PinTsai, Chueh-Ling
Workshop: Ho, Cheng-HungLin, Yi-ChunLin, Wen-TsaoChang, Ya-PingHsu, Hui-ChingKuo, Chao-YinTsai, Chueh-LingLee, Mei-Tsung
Artists are from SHIN LEN YUAN ART SPACE

活動相關: http://www.artistvillage.org/